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Threat Intelligence

Protect against a new generation of cyber attackers. Data breaches are on the rise – be prepared.


Threat Vector provides modern, top of the line cyber defense systems to stay a step ahead of hackers at all times. Our cyber security experts specialize in information protection and network control. Our in depth data collection and analysis allows us to detect attacks before they happen and prevent breaches. Threat Vector examines similarities between your company’s network data and a global database of threat information to search for patters that are indicative of a breach.

Threat Vector uses advanced data collection tools to gather vast information about your network activity. The more we know about an active incident or threat to your network, the easier it will be to combat and effectively defend against. Assembling information about cyber attacks can be tricky. The most dangerous hackers operate under the radar which is what makes them so effective. Attackers that get in and out unnoticed are the ones who do the most damage. Threat Vector combats these types of attackers with a sophisticated data collection and correlation system. Our information collection tells us everything we need to know about an attack so that our cyber security experts can properly protect your company’s network.

Stolen data and information leaks have been plaguing businesses far too often in recent years. Don’t let your company fall victim to the dangers of a cyber attack. Monitor and control data flow, see threats coming with host-based and network based intrusion detection. Fight back against the global network of cyber criminals with Threat Vector NYC.